Monday, October 04, 2010

Day at Kasibi

Today Jason and George and I went with the Harding In Zambia group to Kasibi for the day. Kasibi is the home of Leonard Sichimwa, longtime cook for medical mission, as well as a dear friend. Leonard invites the Harding group each year to spend a day with his congregation in the village.

First thing this morning I picked up Jason and George in their new outfits that my daughter Sara got for them. Don't they look sharp?

We had a delightful worship service with the Kasibi congregation. David and I spent many Sundays with this group, and it was wonderful to see so many old friends again.

Then it was time for a traditional Zambian lunch of chicken, nshima, tomato onion soup, and fried cabbage. We ate Zambian style seated on the ground. Dillon and Mariah Daggett are shown here with Jason and George.

Then the band began to play. Most of the instruments are homemade.

The most interesting instrument (below) resembles an archer's bow with a gourd attached. It's played by plucking the string with a skinny stick.

A day in Kasibi always makes me feel like I've stepped into the pages of National Geographic.

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