Tuesday, January 23, 2007

News and Notes - January 23

During our furlough I was amazed at how many people told me that they read the blog, especially the ones who say they check it every day. To those devoted readers I can only offer my apologies for not writing much lately. We have been extremely busy trying to catch up from being gone six weeks and at the same time getting a new school year started.

We had been concerned about the lack of rainfall during November. While we were in the US, we heard reports that the rainfall was sketchy in this area, and we wondered if this would be one of the years of drought and famine.

Then the rains came! It has rained almost every day since we got back, and many of those rains have been downpours. Our back yard resembled a swamp for most of the weekend. Our water cisterns for storing rainwater have filled over and over again. The native farmers assure us that although the rains came late the crops will do well with this much moisture. We are thankful.

The rains have also brought out the critters. We have gotten used to sleeping through roosters crowing and donkeys braying, but the croaking of frogs and the cacophony of crickets is about to send us over the edge. The other night we forgot and left our sneakers outside on the veranda. When I started putting mine on the next day, one of those noisy frogs jumped out and hopped away. My days are full of surprises of one kind or another!

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