Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Down to the River

This is part 2 of an account of our Sunday outreach to Simwanda.

We arrived at Simwanda and found people gathering in the shade of a huge tree. This congregation was started as a result of medical mission follow-up and has only been meeting for six weeks. Their numerical growth is remarkable. The group started with around 20 the first week, and had grown to 77 on the Sunday before we came. The attendance was 112 on the day of our visit.

Sylvester, a college student who is sponsored by Christians in the US, had come along to work with me in the children’s classes. He had prepared part of a lesson and then translated for me as I completed the class. We had 42 little ones in our class.

There were five baptisms after the worship assembly. A water hole was nearby, so the entire congregation walked there, singing the entire way. Most of the group gathered on the far bank, while I found a spot with a few others on a higher bank where we could look down on the scene. By the time I arrived, Rodwell was already waist deep in chocolate brown water waiting to perform the rites. The singing continued as the first person stepped through tall green reeds to join him. The singing stopped just long enough for Rodwell to speak a few words and plunge the man under the muddy waters. The ceremony was repeated for the four ladies who followed. Each baptism brought a chorus of “Amens” from the crowd and a verse of “Great Day When I Was Born Again.”

I watched all this, thinking, “I can’t believe that I am standing here in the African bush watching the Lord’s church grow right in front of me.” Tears welled up in my eyes and I prayed a prayer of gratitude. “Thank you, Lord, for putting me in this place at this exciting time in the kingdom.”

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