Monday, September 11, 2006

Cooking Nshima

Our meals this weekend were prepared and served by Hilda, shown here with Dena Moore. Hilda cooked outside in her outdoor kitchen and then brought the food inside to serve us in her living room.

Dena and Lauren wanted to learn how to cook nshima, so Hilda let them help her on Sunday. They discovered that cooking a big pot of nshima over an open fire is not easy!

In addition to taking care of her husband and four children, Hilda is now going back to school to complete grade eight. Her husband is one of her teachers, she told us. Jane, the headmistress of the school, showed me Hilda's most recent report card and bragged on Hilda's academic progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an experience! Back on the states I feel an overwhelming sadness and yearning to still be there with you. Your work there is amazing and without words. I truely feel like I have seen the edge of the kingdom.