Monday, February 06, 2006

High School Church

We discovered a very unique congregation on Sunday. We took a group of 32 college students into town to meet with the congregation at Kalomo High School. Kalomo High is a government school that serves over 1200 students, and most of them board at the school. The church that meets in the high school is composed ENTIRELY of high school students in grades 10 - 12.

I gathered everyone from the congregation after the service for a photograph (top). Then I asked for a photo of the church leaders. A group of 20 or so quickly posed for me (lower photo). As soon as I took the picture, I asked them, "Are you all students?" They answered, "Yes." I wanted to make sure I understood them. "Do you have ANYONE who works with you who is a teacher or another adult?" "No, we are all students, madam." I was amazed.

The numbers are also amazing. Besides the 32 of us from Namwianga, there were 83 high school students at the morning service. The George Benson college student who organized this outreach proudly told me that he and another student had started this church when they were students at Kalomo High School several years ago.

We talk about young people being the church of tomorrow. At Kalomo High, they are the church—right now.

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