Sunday, February 26, 2006

Outreach News

I apologize for not getting more written on the blog this week. I tried earlier but couldn't get the internet to cooperate. We have a satellite dish, but in reality our service is barely any better than dial-up in the US. It can take 30 minutes for a blog article to load. Or, as I found yesterday, sometimes we can't get it to load at all.

At any rate, the news from last week's outreaches is worth waiting for. David and I went on the big yellow bus to Zimba. We dropped off a group at Mayoba and another group at the main Zimba congregation. Then we went with about 25 secondary students to the Zimba High School Church. This is another congregation composed entirely of high school students. Our Namwianga students conducted the worship services at all three of these sites.

A smaller bus took another group of secondary students in the opposite direction. They did a double outreach by conducting the worship service in the morning at one congregation and then traveling to a second congregation in the afternoon. This latter group is on a tobacco farm and can't assemble until their work in the fields is done.

Two groups of college students went on walking outreaches last Sunday. Namwianga Christian Basic School also sent a group out on foot, making a total of EIGHT outreaches last Sunday! What a blessing to see so many young people excited about sharing the Word!

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