Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Farewell Tour

David and I have joked that we should have had T-shirts made for the Gregersen Farewell Tour. Last week we traveled through Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri saying goodbye to our family and friends there. This week we left on Sunday and went in different directions. I spent a few days at the beach with girlfriends while David and one of his good friends went to New Mexico. My group of eight women enjoyed our 12th annual trip to Port Aransas. We all raised our children together at Brentwood Oaks (25 children in all!) and share a deep bond of friendship. Since 1999 these dear women have planned the beach trip around my summer trips to Africa. This year will be my last trip for awhile, so last night they gathered around me and gave a tearful farewell blessing. I know the love and concern of these friends will be a strength to sustain me in the months and years ahead.

After touring some Native American historical sites, David was able to stop by Camp Blue Haven in Las Vegas, New Mexico. This place is near and dear to our family. Sara and John were campers there from the time they were 10, and we were Bible teachers for many years. David has enjoyed connecting with many of our old friends there.

The farewell tours are ending and the last minute rush to finish getting ready is on. We savor the sweet memories and look ahead for new adventures.

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