Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Sunday Sacrifice

I'm sharing more from Ellie Hamby as she writes about the Christians at Namwianga. We are privileged to be able to go and work with these dedicated Christians!

It is so easy for us to go to worship each Sunday in the states. I wonder how many of us would be like the following people who live around our house at Namwianga:

1. Simeon Siachobe, his wife, and 5 children, left to walk 7 miles for church service at Kalomo Secondary School. Simeon's wife was one that helped start this new congregation. They also had 7 miles to walk back to their home.

2. Kadonsi, a teacher at Namwianga, left on his bike to preach at Goodhope Church. He had about a 15 mile round trip.

3. Andrew Sichimwa, who had spent the night guarding the medicine and supplies, left on his bike to attend church at Kasibi. He had about a 30 mile round trip.

I know there were others at the mission going out, but these were ones we saw leaving when we stepped out of our house that morning. It makes one wonder how many of us in the states would be that committed to attend church if we had to walk or even ride a bike for a long distance.

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