Saturday, January 29, 2011

Match Made

I heard some great news this week!

This is Namatama Hamusankwa. (Try saying that three times fast!) She graduated from George Benson Christian College in December of 2010. Namatama trained to teach secondary math. She's smart, articulate, and a very dedicated Christian.
This is Brian Siakuba. He graduated in 2008. Brian trained to be a secondary math teacher. He's smart, articulate, and a very dedicated Christian.

The good news is that Brian and Namatama just got married! It's the first marriage of two of our sponsored students, and I couldn't be happier!

Brian and Namatama will make a great team! Brian moved to northern Zambia after graduation and is working with a church and supporting himself as a teacher. Namatama has now joined him. I know they'll be a blessing to the church, school, and community.

Sigh. I love a happy ending.

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