Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Revisiting Missionaries and Money

Not long ago I wrote about my initial dread at the prospect of raising money for missions. For me, asking for money is one of those things that falls under the category of "I'll do this only for my Lord." The last few weeks have shown me a different perspective on this task, however. David and I have been completely overwhelmed at the outpouring of generosity that our planned work has received. Our congregation at Brentwood Oaks gave several thousand dollars over the goal they had set. Other individuals have amazed us with their desire to help. We received a generous check in the mail from a former co-worker whom we hadn't seen or heard from in years. The note included with the check said, "We want to be part of this adventure." The words of Ephesians 3:20 continue to echo in my mind, reminding me that God is able to do ". . . more than all we ask or imagine."

To Him be the glory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are being blessed. I can relate to your discomfort with asking for money, but when you consider that YOU are their 'gift', which they are paying for, then it doesn't seem so selfish. Not having to ask would make us a little too self-sufficient anyway.

-Trey Lovett