Saturday, May 20, 2006

Everyday Heroes

This is the first of what I hope will be a regular series on the blog. One of the most encouraging things about our work here is encountering people who live ordinary lives with extraordinary faith and commitment. I call them everyday heroes.

Maxson, shown here with his wife, is the night watchman at the Namwianga Guesthouse. We first met him when we lived there last July and August. He would be bundled up against the cold as he sat in the small, detached laundry room outside the back door. David noticed that Maxson was always reading the Bible. He began having occasional talks with Maxson and shared inspirational reading material with him.

As it turns out, Maxson lives more than eight miles away from Namwianga. He rides his bike here after dark every night and leaves just after dawn every morning. He uses his nighttime hours for Bible study to help him in his role as a church leader in one of the newer congregations north of Kalomo.

We’ve been on a couple of outreaches with Maxson and his wife. Watching him teach and preach gives new meaning to the phrase, “On fire for the Lord!” When he leads singing, he leads not just with his hands, but with his entire body. He radiates an enthusiasm for the Lord that is obvious to everyone he meets.

People like Maxson are the everyday heroes who help make Namwianga Mission a beacon of light in southern Zambia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello David.

I have to second your entry. I really enjoyed speaking with Maxson every day when we stayed at the guest house.

I am looking forward to reading about the other heroes that you meet.

God bless,

Bruce McGuire.