Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The People at My Door - Susan and Brenda

Susan and Brenda are two young women that David and I helped to get through high school in Kalomo. Both are orphans. When we met them in 2006, Susan lived with her grandmother. Brenda was the head of household caring for her two younger brothers. We helped them pay their fees to go through Kalomo High School's Academic Production Unit, an alternative program that offers afternoon classes for those who don't fit the regular student profile.

Since they had responsibilities at home, we didn't expect them to work for us, but they showed up almost every Saturday morning ready to do whatever job we had for them. They were always cheerful, hard-working, and very grateful for our help. Eventually they finished high school and are now on their own. They attend the Mwata congregation in town where they are part of a singing group.

Susan and Brenda heard that we will be leaving soon, so on Saturday they came to see me and to say goodbye and thank you. It brings me great joy to know that we were able to help these two fine young ladies, and I'm sure that they in turn will help others on down the line.

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