Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reflections on Final Days

In just a few days our time at Namwianga will end. We are packing and sorting the pieces and possessions of five years as we get ready to move. The trash cans fill quickly, and the stacks of things to give away grow taller. Our schedule of "things to do" threatens to consume every waking minute. There are meetings to hold, classes to teach, details to delegate, goodbyes to say, and stories to tell.

In all this busyness, I am trying to savor every African moment: basking in the glow of the sunrise, savoring the quiet of dusk, and marveling at the blanket of diamonds that is the night sky. Each experience strengthens the hold that Africa will always have on my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are sleeping as I read this...well, maybe if you're not up packing. Parts of that "blanket of diamonds" over your African home will shine over your USA home. See you soon and go with God, mb