Friday, June 05, 2009

Goodbyes Again

It’s early morning as I write this. I got up a little after 5:00 to spend some time reading my Bible and preparing myself for the trip back to Zambia. I read Psalm 31 again—one of my favorites, especially verses 14-15a: “. . . I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands. . .”

The times for today will include more goodbyes. This is our third furlough, and I keep thinking that the goodbyes will become easier, that it won’t wrench my heart quite so hard to give my kids that last hug as we leave. But it doesn’t seem to get any easier. That hole in my heart will be there with my carry-on as I walk onto the plane at 12:55 today.

But just as my heart aches for those we leave behind, another part of my heart races to think of those who will be waiting on the other side of the world. There are students to teach, projects to finish, a great God to be shared. My times—the goodbyes and the greetings—are in His hands.

1 comment:

Mary Ann Melton said...

I love the concept: "My times are in your hands." Good byes are hard when you going so far away. But your welcome back at Namwianga will be filled with joy!