Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another Missionary Story

Brian and Sondra Davis are fellow missionaries at Mumena in northwestern Zambia. We love spending time with them and their two adorable little boys, Noah and Bryson. Brian sent us this story and agree to let me share it on our blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

This past Sunday we were finally able to meet with our newest church plant, Kyangozhi. They have been meeting together for the past two months (since our campaign medical clinic in July) with some help by a local evangelist in Solwezi town. We had only been able to come for a mid-week Bible study so far, so it was really good to be able to be with them on the Lord’s Day. There were three men and three women present, and we had a wonderful time of worship together. Sondra and I are planning to alternate our time between this new group and our other church plant in Kananga.

Kyangozhi is 17 kilometers into the bush off of the main paved road. When the rains come, we will have to have 4 wheel drive to get there for the road is pretty rough. This past Sunday after departing the church, we began to accelerate on the paved road towards home. Suddenly, I saw one of my back tires rolling out in front of me as it proceeded home faster than the rest of us in the vehicle. After giving Sondra a quizzical look, we came in for a landing on the Mumena tarmac with clear skies and a sunny 80 degrees. I thanked all for flying Mumena airways with us and warned them to take caution while retrieving their hand luggage as some luggage may have shifted during landing.

Becoming paranoid about going to church,
Brian, Sondra, Noah, and Bryson

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